Sunday, 2 September 2012

Beauty Bit: Pucker Up!

Healthy and Beautiful Lips

A lot of our habits make our lips dry and
chipped, and we are not even aware of it.

1. Don't lick your lips! It may bring a momentary relief, but it just makes the problem worse. Our saliva evaporates quickly and leaves our lips drier than they previously were. Plus, the enzymes in our mouth, used to digest food, are harsh for the delicate skin of our mouth.

2. Avoid breathing with an open mouth. The air flowing constantly in and out dries the skin on our lips.

3. Eat a healthy diet, filled with veggies and fruit. Vitamins B and E are very important for   healthy lips and skin in general. Also, a balanced amount of healthy fats and oils is important for the skin (but also for hair and nails) and prevents it from being too dried out. Add salmon, avocado and olive oil to your meals. 

4. Drink a lot of water! Dehydration can cause chapped lips. In a way, our lips act like berries left to dry in the sun - they take all the water they can find. But if there is not enough water to "suck in", they simply dry out.

5. Get a gentle scrub and exfoliate your lips when needed (sugar lip scrub recipes). Afterwards you can treat your lips with a special lip mask, like this one: blend a small piece of avocado, 1 tsp honey and 1 - 2 tbsp plain yogurt. Apply it on your lips and let it sit for 5 - 10 minutes, before rinsing it off.

6. Avoid using lip plumpers, since their ingredients are very drying and irritating for the lips.

7. Find a suitable lip balm to hydrate your lips, and choose one with an SPF factor.

And now that you have your beautiful lips, don't forget to smile, because smile is one of the most beautiful things we can do with our lips... except kissing, of course ;)


1 comment:

  1. Great tips!
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